Amid the launch of Galaxy Fold, smartphone giant Samsung has initiated the process of discussion with companies like Apple and Google to supply them with foldable displays, according to Korean media ETNews, who cited sources from the supply chain. It suggests that the displays to be measured at 7.2-inches in size, which is 0.1 inches smaller than the Samsung Galaxy Fold.
According to the industry on the 27th, Samsung Display made a set of foldable display and delivered it to Apple. This set, which is actually powered like a smartphone, has a 7.2-inch size foldable panel. 7.2 inches is 0.1 inches smaller than the Samsung Folder 'Galaxy Fold'.Currently. Samsung manufacturers and provides the OLED screens to Apple. If this report is true, then it implies that the South Korea based tech-giant doesn't intend to keep foldable technology to itself and is instead working to dominate as a supplier for the technology. At this moment, Samsung is said to able to produce 2.4 million units a year and expect to move up to 10 million units at some point.
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