Apple has announced that its online store in India will be launched on Wednesday, September 23. Indian customers can purchase iPhone, iPad, Mac, and other products directly from the website.
The Apple online store has dedicated experts to help customers purchase and set up new products, and they can communicate in English and Hindi. With the online store, Apple will also introduce installment payments and trade-in services, as well as educational discounts for students.
Starting in October, Apple will host free Today at Apple events digitally, which will be led by local Creative Pros, focused on photography and music.
For Apple, India has always been a particularly valuable market, but device sales can only be arranged through third-party distributors because Indian policy explicates that if foreign companies sell products directly in the country, 30% of the products must be produced locally.
In August last year, India relaxed its policy, which also suggests that Apple has the opportunity to open an online store in India. In the future, it's expected that Apple may soon open a physical Apple Store in India.
"We're proud to be expanding in India and want to do all we can to support our customers and their communities," said Deirdre O'Brien, Apple's senior vice president of Retail + People. "We know our users are relying on technology to stay connected, engage in learning, and tap into their creativity, and by bringing the Apple Store online to India, we are offering our customers the very best ofApple at this important time."
Starting in October, Apple will host free Today at Apple events digitally, which will be led by local Creative Pros, focused on photography and music.
For Apple, India has always been a particularly valuable market, but device sales can only be arranged through third-party distributors because Indian policy explicates that if foreign companies sell products directly in the country, 30% of the products must be produced locally.
In August last year, India relaxed its policy, which also suggests that Apple has the opportunity to open an online store in India. In the future, it's expected that Apple may soon open a physical Apple Store in India.
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