Apple TV 4K To Support Dolby Atmos Surround Sound Technology In Future, 4K iTunes Content Limited To Streaming Only

According to The Verge’s Nilay Patel found interesting tidbits about the Apple TV 4K in his review . such as the streaming media player coul...

According to The Verge’s Nilay Patel found interesting tidbits about the Apple TV 4K in his review. such as the streaming media player could gain support for Dolby Atmos surround sound technology in the future by way of a tvOS software update, as well as the YouTube app doesn’t show 4K video.

"Apple told me that the lack of Atmos isn't a hardware limitation, and that support is on the roadmap," wrote Patel. Dolby Atmos was developed to give sound from movies and TV shows a more three-dimensional effect. Rather than being constrained to channels, sounds can be precisely placed and moved in three-dimensional space.

With the YouTube revelation is more fundamental, though there is a technical reason backing it. The Apple TV supports H.264, HEVC and MP4 video formats. YouTube serves 4K HDR video in the open-source VP9 format. As a result, users will find that the YouTube app can only output upscaled 1080p. The ever-growing 4K YouTube video library is not available to Apple TV users.

According to Apple support document, you can download a local copy of an HD or SD movie from iTunes to your iDevices, Mac or PC just like you’ve always been able to, or streaming through Apple TV, however, 4K movies are not available for download and thus can't be watched without an internet connection., it's worth to notes here that minimum speed of 25Mb to stream 4K content.

It's not clear why Apple is not allowing customers to download 4K content onto their devices, perhaps it could potentially be a licensing issue. Apple is providing 4K content at the same price as HD content, although movie studios were rumored to want to charge more. It's also possible it's a local storage issue, as usually 4K movies have large file sizes. 

Apple TV 4K do supports 4K contents from Netflix or other streaming services, however, Apple has promised 4K content from Amazon Prime Video will be available when the app most like to launches later this year. The first Apple TV 4K orders will begin arriving to customers tomorrow, the official launch date of the device, alongside iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and Apple Watch Series 3.

Via MacRumors And 9to5Mac, Image Via The Verge And TrustedReviews



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Loveios: Apple TV 4K To Support Dolby Atmos Surround Sound Technology In Future, 4K iTunes Content Limited To Streaming Only
Apple TV 4K To Support Dolby Atmos Surround Sound Technology In Future, 4K iTunes Content Limited To Streaming Only
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