Annoying Popup Tells You To Update, Here Is How To Fix It

For users who have already installed the latest beta version of iOS 12, they have encountered an annoying bug. Every time you unlock your iPhone, an update prompt popup will appear, it says that "A new iOS update is now available. Please update from the iOS 12 beta."

However, the problem is that users who have been updated to the latest version and there are no updates that need to be installed. It begins on August 27th, but in the past few days, the frequency of pop-ups has increased significantly. In the worst case, each time you unlock it, each time it appears.

Developer Guilherme Rambo believes that the error in the latest beta version caused the beta to think that the expiration date is approaching, so it constantly reminds you to update. So based on that info, we have got a workaround: go to Settings -> General -> Date & Time, switch off Set Automatically, and change the time to Fri Aug 24.

It's expected Apple will release a new beta rather sooner than later to fix the annoying bug. Stay turn!

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