Apple CEO Tim Cook announces a substantial donation to support the first respondents, medical staffs and volunteers, providing medical equip...
Apple CEO Tim Cook announces a substantial donation to support the first respondents, medical staffs and volunteers, providing medical equipment to Protezione Civile in Italy. Thus far, Apple has matched $15 million in donation to help in combating the coronavirus outbreak.

To date, the COVID-19 Pandemic has caused 9,982 fatalities, where majority of it located in China and Italy, with the death tolls in Italy exceeded that of China, where the virus first originated.
Image Via Live 5 News

It’s never been more important to support each other. We’re making a substantial donation including medical supplies to Protezione Civile in Italy, to help the heroic first responders, medical personnel & volunteers working tirelessly to protect & save lives. Vicini all’Cook said at the same time that Apple is now helping to fund Silicon Valley Strong, a new campaign in the Bay Area to help those affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Donated funds will be used to support families, disadvantaged children and individuals who are dealing with food insecurity.
Silicon Valley is our home and we know the coming weeks will bring untold challenges for the many small businesses in our community. We are supporting #SiliconValleyStrong to help our neighbors get through these unprecedented timesApple has so far taken extra measures to stop the spread of COVID-19, including shutting down all of its retail stores outside of Greater China region, advises employees to work from home, and present the WWDC event in a completely new online experience.
To date, the COVID-19 Pandemic has caused 9,982 fatalities, where majority of it located in China and Italy, with the death tolls in Italy exceeded that of China, where the virus first originated.
Image Via Live 5 News