You Should Charge Your MacBook Pro On The Right-Hand Side, Here Is Why

There are two USB-C ports on the left and right side of Apple's MacBook Pro laptop. Theoretically, each port can be used to hook up to a...

There are two USB-C ports on the left and right side of Apple's MacBook Pro laptop. Theoretically, each port can be used to hook up to a power supply. However, if you plug the power supply into the USB-C port on the right-hand side instead of the left-hand side, out of thin air, the MacBook Pro will begin to cool down, the CPU usage will be lower as well...

The little-known secret was discovered by a user on Stackexchange, in which he recommends users who occasionally experience high kernel_task CPU usage on their MacBook Pro try charging on the right-hand side and not on the left-hand side. He suggests that "high kernel_task CPU Usage is due to high chassis temperature caused by charging. In particular Left Thunderbolt port usage."

To back up his claim, user Adam shared a graph that lists three states of a MacBook Pro in the charging phase. State A is where a USB-C hub, and a USB-C HDMI 2.0 adapter. both on the left side. State B is when the power moved from the left ports to the right, while State C is simply having the power into the right TB ports.

The result is: kernel_task high CPU usage starts within 3-4 minutes in State A; kernel_task goes away within about 15 seconds in State B but when moved power back to the left side, kernel_task again comes back after 3-4 minutes. In State C, notwithstanding, kernel_task appears to be similar to the one in State B.

Thus, Adam concludes that high kernel task CPU usage is caused by high Thunderbolt Left Proximity temperature, which is caused by charging while at the same time having normal peripherals plugged in.

Certainly, you can ask the kernel what it's doing is to attach a kernel debugger to it. This involves using Apple's debug kernel, rebooting, and then using a second Mac to connect it to the debugged computer.



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Loveios: You Should Charge Your MacBook Pro On The Right-Hand Side, Here Is Why
You Should Charge Your MacBook Pro On The Right-Hand Side, Here Is Why
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