iOS Likely Won't Support Cloud Gaming Apps Including Microsoft Project xCloud And Google Stadia

Cloud gaming platforms including Microsoft Project xCloud and Google Stadia will not be available on the iPhones and iPads because of Apple's App Store restrictions, which suggests that iOS won't support various cloud gaming services. 

An Apple spokesperson said:
The ‌App Store‌ was created to be a safe and trusted place for customers to discover and download apps, and a great business opportunity for all developers. Before they go on our store, all apps are reviewed against the same set of guidelines that are intended to protect customers and provide a fair and level playing field to developers."

"Our customers enjoy great apps and games from millions of developers, and gaming services can absolutely launch on the ‌App Store‌ as long as they follow the same set of guidelines applicable to all developers, including submitting games individually for review, and appearing in charts and search. In addition to the ‌App Store‌, developers can choose to reach all ‌iPhone‌ and ‌iPad‌ users over the web through Safari and other browsers on the ‌App Store‌."
Mircosoft, in response, arguing that "Apple stands alone as the only general purpose platform to deny customers from cloud gaming and game subscription services like Xbox Game Pass." For now, Mircosoft does not have a path to bring its cloud gaming with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate to gamers on iOS via the Apple ‌App Store‌, the company's spokesperson said.

The same goes for Google Stadia, Facebook Gaming app, and Nvidia's streaming gaming service, GeForce Now.

Basically,  iOS users are going to be missing out on the mobile-centric cloud gaming wave that’s set to arrive with xCloud’s launch. Though, as Apple pointed out in their statement, one would be able to reach all ‌iPhone‌ and ‌iPad‌ users over the web through Safari and other browsers on the ‌App Store‌, who know what, maybe Microsoft, Facebook, and Google would find ways around this.

Image Via TechRadar

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