ModMyi Repository And ZodTTD/MacCiti Has Been Archived, Two Major Cydia Hosts Shuts Down

ModMyi repository is one of the best Cydia Sources to download a lot themes, apps, tweaks and games on your jailbroken iDevices, unfortunate...

ModMyi repository is one of the best Cydia Sources to download a lot themes, apps, tweaks and games on your jailbroken iDevices, unfortunately, the developer of the Cydia host - ModMy today announces it has been archived. Another major Cydia Host ZodTTD/MacCiti also shut down last week, meaning two out of three of Cydia's major default repositories are no longer active as of this month.

ModMy recommends developers in the jailbreaking community use the BigBoss repository, one of the last major Cydia sources that still remains functional. The closure of two major Cydia repositories is arguably the result of a declining interest in jailbreaking. With many of those features now available out of the box, the allure of jailbreaking is considerably less for many people.

Back when the iPhone and iPod touch were first released in 2007, jailbreak quickly grew in popularity for both fun and practical reasons. Before Apple introduced the App Store in 2008, it allowed users to install apps and games. Jailbreaking was even more useful for something as simple as setting a wallpaper, not possible on early iOS versions.

Because of jailbreaking as it created number of popular tweaks, makes Apple eventually implemented into iOS, such as system toggles, lock screen widgets, quick reply for text messages, screen recording, multitasking, picture-in-picture mode on iPad, and keyboard trackpad mode. If there's no jailbreaking, Apple's iOS couldn't do better than now.

Although jailbreaking is not illegal in the United States, due to an exemption in the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, jailbreaking technically voids your device's warranty coverage. But Apple once said jailbreaking can "severely degrade the experience" of an iPhone, makes it unstable and not work reliably.

At the POC2017 event in Seoul, South Korea, iOS hacker Liang Chen has demonstrated the first-known jailbreak to date on Apple’s flagship iPhone X handset. But most jailbreak developers are selling these exploits to Apple, so no Mac or PC tool like Pangu has been released for the public to download and jailbreak their own devices with.

"When you get fewer people bothering to jailbreak, you get fewer developers targeting interesting things, which means there's less reasons for people to jailbreak," said Jay Freeman, the father of Cydia. "Which means there's fewer people jailbreaking, which causes there to be less developers bothering to target it. And then you slowly die."



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Loveios: ModMyi Repository And ZodTTD/MacCiti Has Been Archived, Two Major Cydia Hosts Shuts Down
ModMyi Repository And ZodTTD/MacCiti Has Been Archived, Two Major Cydia Hosts Shuts Down
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