Saurik Working On Cydia That Could Support iOS 11.0 - iOS 11.1.2

Since Ian Beer recently released tfp0 exploit, it seems to be assisting eager jailbreak developers in their ongoing quest to create a working jailbreak tool for iOS 11.0-11.1.2. Twitter user cheesecakeufo have shared a photo on the social media this week, which showcasing Cydia running on a jailbroken iPhone X with iOS 11.1.2 installed on it. 

The Twitter user said Ian Beer’s exploit as a big to help in making this feat possible, but some caveats remain. For one, it’ll take some fine-tuning and testing to ensure stability. Furthermore, Cydia isn’t quite ready for iOS 11 just yet, and its functions remain limited until Saurik updates the app for Apple’s latest operating system.

However, a Reddit comment by father of cydia reveals that he’s actively working on Cydia that could support iOS 11. Saurik has been quiet for the past few months. This was after he announced that he has taken a day job. Which have lead many to believe that he is no longer developing Cydia. 

The comment also underscores how Saurik able to balances his Cydia work with a day job, so we shouldn’t expect an update overnight. Nevertheless, it’s still thrilling to hear how the primary source for add-ons and tweaks on jailbroken devices will soon receive an update despite everything that has gone down in recent weeks.

It appears now we have a good news regarding Saurik and the future of Cydia, as Freeman himself has announced that he is working on iOS 11 updates for Cydia and has been working on it after his day job. Saurik mentioned that despite people believing he has made millions from his Cydia project, he has to pay for Cydia to run out of his own pocket.

Via iDownloadBlog And iOSHacker, Image Credit SlashGear

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