Apple Releases Beta 4 Of iOS 11.4, macOS 10.13.5, watchOS 4.3.1, And tvOS 11.4

Yep, Apple has released yet another beta for its four platforms, including iOS 11.4, macOS 10.13.5, watchOS 4.3.1, and tvOS 11.4. Developers are able to download these betas in the Apple Developers Center and receive the profiles in order to update your devices.

For iOS 11.4, Apple has introduced features like a new ClassKit framework for education, HomePod calendar support, and (Product)RED wallpaper for iPhone 8 and 8 Plus users. Both the AirPlay 2 and Messages on iCloud are present in the iOS 11.4 beta after was being removed from iOS 11.

When it comes to macOS 10.13.5, Apple has added Message on iCloud support as it did on iOS 11.4, asides from that, the update only brings speed improvements and security enhancements. If you found anything in this update, please info us.

watchOS 4.3.1, the latest software update designed for Apple Watches includes a new warnings that specifically applies to older apps made for watchOS 1, suggesting these apps will not able to run in the future versions of watchOS. Coding references in the update also hinting that Apple Watches soon will support third-party watch faces.

And finally, tvOS 11.4 will bring AirPlay 2 capacities, as Apple TV icon returns in Home app with room assignment. We can expect that these software updates could arrive before the WWDC, when Apple reveals next-generation of the four platforms.

Image By Apple Developer

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