Apple Previews New Emojis That Will Be Available On Apple devices This Fall

To celebrate World Emoji Day on July 17, Apple shared a variety of new Emojis that will be available on Apple devices this fall. These Emojis are part of the Unicode 12 standard. Last year, the addition of the new Emoji arrived in iOS 12.1, and this may be the case this year, that they will be rolled out in iOS 13.1.

Unicode 12 adds 59 Emojis and 75 gender changes. If gender and skin color are combined, there are 230 variations. The added animals Emoji include orangutans, sloths, otters, skunks, and flamingos. Added foods include garlic, onions, waffles, falafels, butter, oysters, beverage boxes, and horse-drawn tea box ice cubes.

New facial expressions, gestures, and gestures include yawning faces, squatting people, standing people, and hand in hand with a variety of genders and skin tones. Apple has also added some auxiliary functions related to emoji, including hearing aid ears, deaf people, mechanical legs/hands, people with crutches, wheelchair users, guide dogs and so on.

Finally, there are Hindu temples, parachutes, ring planets, diving masks, yo-yos, kites, safety vests, one-piece swimsuits, briefs, shorts, ballet shoes, banjos, lights, axes, a drop of blood, bandages. , stethoscopes, chairs, razors, white hearts, and a variety of new colors in circles and squares.

Image Via 9to5mac

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